Posts tagged #titanfall

Titanfall Multiplayer Update

Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall - Courtesy of

Respawn Entertainment's Titanfall - Courtesy of

Respawn and EA have released an update today for Titanfall on PC and Xbox One that evens out the playing field for the online multiplayer experience. A new algorithm was developed to pit players against more evenly matched opponents to avoid more onesided matches (much like the match I endured not too long ago against a bunch of G4s who just wiped the floor with our team over and over and over). Point values in several of the modes, including the lowering of points awarded for defending in Hardpoint have also been implemented, for better or for worse. I for one was proud of the points I earned holding down the fort in Hardpoint for as long as humanly possible, but alas incremental awarding of 100 points has been lowered to 75.

Posted on April 2, 2014 and filed under Video Games.